Preventive Measures of Juvenile Delinquency
In order to prevent juvenile delinquency from taking place the following measures may be suggested:
1. Creating and inspiring a team of work of private and public agencies devoted to preventive work.
2. Giving proper training to the members and staff of all organizations concerned with delinÂquency control.
3. Establishing child guidance clinics to give appropriate treatment to disturbed and malÂadjusted children.
4. Educating the family so as to help the parents to realize the importance of giving proper attention to the needs of their young children.
5. Establishing wholesome recreational agencies to prevent young children from becoming the victims of illicit or unwholesome recreation.
6. Giving proper assistance to underprivileged children to build in them good character and law-abiding attitude.
7. Adopting various means of propaganda such as radio, movies, television, newspapers, magaÂzines, etc., to realize the importance of law-abidingness and how it is always appreciated and reÂwarded.
8. Improving the social environment — slum areas, busy marketplaces, gambling centres, etc., to prevent children from getting polluted.
9. Spotting potential delinquents by predictive tests in schools and giving appropriate treatment to such children.
10. The problems of beggary and poverty are to be removed or controlled and the general economic standards of the people must be increased to prevent children from becoming delinquents due to economic exigencies.
Preventing juvenile delinquency is a complex task requiring a coordinated effort from families, schools, communities, law enforcement, and social services. By addressing the root causes and providing support and resources to at-risk youth, it is possible to reduce delinquent behavior and promote positive outcomes for young individuals.