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ISC - Sociology

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ISC Question Papers


Bifurcated Syllabus 2021


ISC Sociology Syllabus

As per the council of ISC, the Sociology subject will consist of two papers and the distribution of marks thereon is quoted as follows:

Paper I - Theory: 3 hours …... 70 marks and

Paper II - Practical Work …... 30 marks.

Paper I - Theory:

Part I (20 marks) consists of compulsory short answer questions testing knowledge, application and skills relating to elementary / fundamental aspects of the entire syllabus. Part II (50 marks) consists of eight questions, out of which you must answer five questions, each carrying 10 marks.

Paper II - Practical Work:

Empirical and ethnographic substantiation is essential to do justice to the discipline's basic structural principles and theoretical orientation. Candidates are expected to undertake two studies, in keeping with the significance of practical work and gaining a hands-on understanding of various social issues. Topics for the studies should be chosen from within the overall syllabus, as there is ample scope for diversity. Candidates will be expected to have completed two studies from any chapter covered in Theory.

Assessment for each study will be as detailed below: The practical work will be assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by the Council. Mark allocation per study [15 marks] will be as follows:


Evaluation by the teacher

5 Marks


Evaluation by the Visiting Examiner

10 Marks

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