ISC Sociology 2022 - 2023 Class 12 Solved Question Paper
Section – A (14 Marks)
1. The kisship usage in which a kin member is refered to by the name of another kin member is called:
(A) Teknonymy
(B) Couvade
(C) Amitate
(D) Avunculate
2. In which of the following rules of marriage does the husband consider his deceased wife's sister a potential mate?
(A) Levirate
(B) Hypogamy
(C) Hypergamy
(D) Sororate
3. A farmer exchanging a sack of wheat for a pair of shoes from a shoemaker is an example of:
(A) Agrarian Economy
(B) Barter Exchange
(C) Rural Employment
(D) Weekly Markets
Barter Exchange
4. The owner, tenant and sharecropper form the structure of:
(A) Panchayati Raj
(B) Traditional Market
(C) Jajmani System
(D) Agrarian Economy
Agrarian Economy
5. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are types of:
(A) Castes
(B) Race
(C) Kinship usages
(D) Tribal economies
6. Residence with the maternal uncle is known as _____ residence.
7. The division of society in a segmental hierarchy is called _____.
8. The kinship term used to designate the exact relationship of ego with his/her kin member is ________.
Degree of kinship
9. In a village, an organisation led by children sensitises the villagers on the significane of education and sanitation. Which organisation is being refered to?
In a village, an organisation led by children sensitises the villagers on the significane of education and sanitation is known to be as Bal Panchayat. Bal panchayat (children’s Parliament) is an initiative supported by UNICEF(as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) has been adopted by some Panchayats in different parts of India to encourage the involvement of children in self governance for their own development.
10. What are free goods? Give an example.
Free goods, in eonomic terms, refers to those resources that are naturally abundant and do not require any effort to obtain. For example, air, sunlight, river water etc.
11. Name any one policy of tribal upliftment introduced by the government of India.
One significant policy introduced by the government of India for the upliftment of tribes is the "Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006," commonly known as the Forest Rights Act (FRA). This legislation aims to recognize and vest the forest rights and occupation in forestland of the Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers. It seeks to address historical injustices and protect the rights of tribal and forest-dwelling communities over their traditional lands and resources. The act empowers these communities by providing legal recognition of their rights to forest land, access to minor forest produce, and other related rights.
12. What is the family created after marriage known as?
After marriage, the family creates a "nuclear family." The term nuclear family (or elementary family) refers to a household consisting of a father, a mother and their children all in one household.
13. Polygamy was considered a suitable form of marriage by some societies. State any one merit of polygamy with reference to the given statement.
Polygamy means when a marital bond between one person on one side and several persons on the other. One merit of polygamy, as considered by some societies, is that it can potentially serve as a social and economic support system and the well-being of the family by sharing responsibilities and resources. For example, polygamy is widespread in a cluster of countries in West and Central Africa, including Burkina Faso, (36%), Mali (34%) and Nigeria (28%).
14. Give any one negative aspect of Mass Media.
One negative aspect of mass media is its potential to perpetuate misinformation and sensationalism, influencing public opinion and contributing to the spread of misinformation in society.