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Features of Co-operation

Features / Characteristics of Co-operation

Following are some important characteristics of co-operation:

1. Co-operation is universal and continuous: Cooperation is both universal and continuous, serving as the foundation for understanding and harmony among individuals and groups. It is essential for the functioning of society, forming the bedrock of community life.

2. Perception of common goals: Individuals indulging in Co-operative interaction are aware of some goals. The goal may be working together in a factory for a common reward, or paying together and so on perception of a common goal often draws people together.

3. Collective work for common rewards: Co-operation involves combined or collective efforts and rewards are normally shared by them. For example, the reward may be match victory or profit shared in an Industry.

4. Co-operation is not necessarily unselfish: Cooperation is often seen as selfless, yet individuals and groups can collaborate for selfish reasons, such as personal gain, group protection, or mutual benefit. This ranges from monopolies to actions promoting the welfare of all.

5. Essential conditions of Co-operation: Cooperation hinges on people's motivation, awareness of benefits, willingness to share, and acquiring the necessary skills.

6. Psychological qualities necessary for the developing Co-operative attitude: Cooperation depends on sympathy, mutual aid, like-mindedness, and selfless attitudes, all rooted in the capacity to understand and help others in their times of need.

These characteristics highlight the importance and versatility of cooperation in human interactions and endeavors, emphasizing its role in fostering unity, progress, and collective well-being. Thus, it underscores  universal nature in enduring significance in shaping societies and facilitating progress.

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