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Characteristics of Socialization

Characteristics of Socialization

The socialization process can be understood from the following characteristics.

1. Socialization is the process of learning that makes the learner able to perform social roles and helps to establish identity in the society of which he is a member. 

2. Socialization of a person is possible only in society. By staying in society, a child/girl learns and assimilates the norms, values, patterns/standards of behaviour, culture, etc, of society. 

3. The process of socialization results in the development of a person's self and the individual's personality. 

5. Socialization helps the person to adapt to the established traditions, values, standards, patterns of behaviour, cultural characteristics and a variety of social conditions in society. 

6. The socialisation process helps transfer cultural characteristics from one generation to another. 

7. Socialization is the process by which the biological creature is transformed into a social creature. 

8. Socialization is a continuous process of establishing adjustments to changing expectations and demands. This is a process that never stops nor ends. 

9. The ideal standards, values, customs, traditions, etc., of different societies, groups and communities may vary. The socialisation process relates to learning and implementing the ideal standards and values of society, etc., so it greatly impacts time and space. 

10. The process of socialization is the process of making a person a functional member of society. The process of socialization prepares new members of society so that society continues. 

11. Along with the process of socialization, the process of cultural assimilation and communication also continues. In which a person learns cultural patterns, making him an integral part of his personality.

12. A person is well acquainted with his socio-cultural world through the process of socialization. 

13. The process of social control also continues in the background of the process of socialization. These two procedures are linked to each other and go hand in hand.

The socialization process is a two-way process, i.e. not only adults socialize the children, but sometimes adults can also be socialized with children. For example, his educated child may socialize with an uneducated father.

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