Relationship between Sociology and Political Science
June 22, 2023
Relationship between Sociology and Political Science
Sociology and political science are so closely and deeply related to each other that one becomes meaningless without the other. According to Morris Ginsberg, “Historically, Sociology has its main roots in politics and philosophy of history”. The state, which was the centre of political science in its early stage, was more of a social than a political institution.
These two social sciences are very common in certain spheres. Let us highlight some of their similarities:
1. Sociology refers to the study of all aspects of society, whereas political science mainly deals with political theory and Government Administration alone.
2. Sociology stresses the interrelationship between social institutions, including the Government, whereas political science deals mainly with the Government.
3. A sociologist studying the structure and functioning of groups cannot ignore political organizations, pressure groups, and political institutions at the lower and higher levels. Political Science is the study of the state, whereas civics studies citizenship.
4. Sociology is a fundamental social science. On the other hand, political science is concerned with a man's political life, which is one part of his total life.
5. Sociology also depends on political science for its conclusions. The special study of the political life of the society is indispensable for the complete study of the society as a whole.
6. Sociology is the science of society where as the political science is mainly concerned with the state and government. Political science is a branch of sociology that deals with the principles of organization and government of human society.
Thus, Political Science and Sociology are two highly related and interdependent social sciences. Both are related but distinct disciplines. Each has its own scope and methodology, yet each is related to the other. Sociology and Political Science supplement each other.
Despite the above relationship, sociology and political science are different from each other in certain respects.
1. Sociology is the science of society whereas political science is the science of state and government.
2. Sociology studies all kinds of society, organized and unorganized, while political science studies politically organized society.
3. The scope of sociology is found to be wider than the scope of political science.
4. Sociology studies man as fundamentally a social animal, whereas political science studies man as a political animal.
5. Sociology is the general science and is relatively younger but political science is special and is older than sociology.
6. The approach of sociology is different than that of political science.
Despite the similarities and dissimilarities between two discipline sociology and political science, they have close relationship. Political sociology thus becomes popular in the modern period.