Relationship between Sociology and Economics
Sociology and economics as social sciences have close relations. The relationship between the two is so close that one is often treated as the branch of the other. Likewise, let’s discuss how both are mutually related.
The relationship of sociology with economics is very close, intimate and personal. Likewise, social relationships are affected by economic relationships. Economic activities, to a great extent, are social activities. Hence, both are mutually related.
1. Economics depends on Sociology for its comprehension. Economics is a part of Sociology; hence, without the help of sociology, economics can’t understand itself completely.
2. Economic welfare is a part of social welfare. To solve different economic problems such as inflation, poverty, unemployment, etc., economists use sociology to take into account the social events of that particular time. At the same time, society controls man's economic activities.
3. Some economists also consider economic change an aspect of social change. Economics draws its generalizations based on the data provided by Sociology. Thus, economics cannot go far or develop without the help of Sociology.
4. Sociology also helps economics. Economics greatly enriches sociological knowledge. An economic factor greatly influences every aspect of social life. Economics is a part of sociology; hence, without the help of economics, we can’t understand sociology properly.
5. Economic factors play a very important role in every aspect of our social life, which is why Sociologists are concerned with economic institutions.
Thus, economics and sociology are closely related. Economic welfare is considered a part of social welfare. It is not possible to study economic welfare without adequate knowledge of social laws. Economics seeks the help of Sociology in this connection.
1. Sociology is the science of society and social relationships, whereas economics is the science of wealth.
2. Sociology is a much younger science which has a very recent origin, whereas economics is comparatively old.
3. Sociology is an abstract science, whereas economics is concrete in nature.
4. Sociology is a general social science, whereas economics is a special social science.
5. Sociology is concerned with man's social activities, whereas economics is concerned with man's economic activities.
6. Society is studied as a unit of study in Sociology, whereas man is taken as a unit of study in economics.
7. Sociology and economics differ in terms of the methods and techniques they use for their studies.