Mass media
The mass media are diversified media technologies intended to read a large audience via mass communication.
Types of mass media:
Print media (Any two or three)
1. News Papers:
Newspapers enjoyed the position of the most preferred medium to reach a wider audience until electronic communication emerged on the media scene. In the early days, newspapers were the only medium the masses depended on for daily news. A newspaper carries various communication-related topics like politics, socialism, current affairs, entertainment, finance, stocks, etc.
2. Magazines:
Magazines are another type of popular culture print media. They usually cater to a specific audience looking for information based on a particular subject. Magazines cover many topics, like current affairs, business, finance, consumers, gadgets, self-help, luxury, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, entertainment, travel, etc. Magazines like TIME and Reader’s Digest include all-pervasive information.
3. Booklets and Brochures:
Booklets and brochures are a part of the promotional literature of a product or an organization. There are two types of booklets and brochures.
a. Pre-buying promotion:
Usually, in malls and stores, promotional literature is distributed free to all (with discount offers or other schemes which seem profitable). For example, a free booklet about cosmetics will include information about the products, latest trends, contents, the benefits of using them, the available range or colors, discount coupons, etc. This will, most likely, have a positive impact on your decision-making.
b. Post-buying promotion:
These booklets and brochures are usually given with a product for better customer experience and easy usage post purchasing. You must have observed when you buy any new item; it is usually accompanied by a small booklet detailing the benefits of using the product, usage directions, and cleaning and storage instructions. The guidelines are usually followed by a series of ‘how to’ images which facilitate easy information about the product.
4. Press release:
A press release is an important communication device because it takes the relevant communication directly to the press. Whenever governments, organizations, NGOs, retail outlets, design houses, celebrities, etc., have a newsworthy announcement to make, they draft a press note which is then sent to the members of the press in the form of a hard copy, fax, mail, or CD. A press release is also distributed during a press conference.
5. Billboards:
Billboards have mostly become digital, but they qualify under the print media category―after all, the advertisements are printed on the billboard. These include text and graphics―mostly as a combination―to make it more appealing.
6. Books:
Books are the oldest form of print media used as a communication and information piece. They give an opportunity to writers to spread their knowledge about a particular subject to the whole world. They are a diverse platform comprising varied topics that include literature, history, fiction stories, and many more, increasing our knowledge and entertaining us.
7. Booklets:
A brochure, also known as a pamphlet, is a kind of booklet that contains the details of the company or organization. Generally, brochures are for takeaways to keep the brand in the mind of the audience.
8. Handbills or Flyers:
Handbills or flyers are a form of communication which is printed on small paper. It is easy to carry, colorful, attractive, and legible to read. They are handed out to all the passers-by. These are mainly useful for restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, political campaigns, delis, concerts, rallies, and political campaigns. People are more prompted to throw it away without reading. Hence, this often fails to be an effective medium of mass communication.
Electronic media (Any two or three)
1. Television:
Television appeals to both the auditory and visual senses and hence is an important communication device as it beholds the audience’s attention. It is impossible for many people to imagine a life without their television sets, be it the daily news or soap operas. Television has become an advertising hub where advertisers are ready to spend huge amounts for an ad of a few seconds, especially for programs with high viewership.
2. Radio:
It has a significant reach. A considerable number of Americans tune into the radio every week while on their way to work. Advertising on the radio with catchy jingles and phrases is a tried and tested means of communication. The radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But to this day, it remains one of the favorite electronic communication means. Moreover, it is an interactive means of communication with all dial-in programs, allowing listeners to feature on the radio.
3. Mobile phones:
Mobile phones have become a boon to mankind. It has made communication possible at anytime, and from anywhere. Nowadays, mobile phones are not only used for interaction but also for other technical utilities, like operating pumps from remote locations, etc. You can also get alerts of your monetary transactions on a mobile phone. Today, we can stay in touch with the world via the Internet on our mobile phones.
4. Computers:
With the invention of computers, the impossible has become possible. We virtually get information about everything from pins to piano with the help of computers. It added speed and multimedia to the information, which was available only in print format. Also, anyone can voice their opinions through computers. Computers have added a new breakthrough in the mass media by combining human intelligence with cutting-edge technology.
5. Internet:
It’s the most important device of new age media. The discovery of the Internet can be called the biggest invention in mass media. In the earlier days, news reached people only with the morning newspaper. But today, live updates reach us simultaneously as the events unfold. For example, the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William was watched live on the Internet by millions worldwide. It inspired interaction and connectivity through its social networking medium.
6. Emails:
Emails or electronic mail have drastically reduced the time for drafting and sending letters or emails. Electronic mail has also facilitated the lesser usage of paper.
7. Websites:
The Internet has many websites dedicated to various people, companies, brands, causes, activities, etc. These websites’ most significant utility is providing information, search engines, downloads through libraries, and interaction through social networking sites. Because of these websites, carrying out e-commerce transactions has also become easy.
8. Blogging:
A blog is a space on the Internet where a single person or group records information, opinions, photos, videos, etc. It is an interesting and free platform to talk about any topic. Interaction happens in the form of comments or feedback.
The Internet has completely transformed the traditional ideas of communication. Over a period of years, mass communication has depicted an evolving trend, and with the advancements in technology, it will continue to do so in the future too.