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Role of Education in Creating Social Change


The role of a teacher is very important in the educational system. The teacher is the soul or vital principle of the educational system. In human society, the learning process is not so simple and natural. Here the input of a teacher is of greatest importance. A teacher, with his or her personality, social commitment, general awareness and depth of knowledge, presents an ideal in front of the students. Teacher helps in -

1. The teacher transmits intellectual and ethical heritage of humanity:

While teaching the students, the teacher performs the function of communicating with them about the entire heritage of humanity. The teacher teaches a particular subject but always relates it to the wider scope of our society, culture and heritage.

2. Teacher teaches a skill and adds knowledge to the human brain:

The teacher is supposed to take up a specific subject to be taught to the pupils. The teacher should share his or her knowledge with the students.

3. The teacher develops the personality of the students:

The students learn from books and other reading materials with the help of the teacher and at the same time, they integrate themselves with the world of knowledge with the assistance and guidance of the teacher.

4. Teacher arouses the quest for knowledge:

The teacher’s task is not limited to delivering lectures on a specific topic; rather, the teacher should train the students to ask questions. He or she is not expected to provide a fixed set of information and knowledge but to extend the mental horizon of the students.

5. The teacher carries on an image and an ideal in front of the students:

The teacher is expected not only to acquire, communicate and advance knowledge but also to live in accordance with a high standard of moral integrity.

The role of the teacher can be best performed only when the atmosphere is created in proper shape. Still, sometimes the teachers have to undergo many stress and constraints like an absence of consciousness among general people about the true meaning of education and teaching, insufficient pay for the teacher and related pressure upon the teacher, inadequate academic infrastructure and general indifference of authority and administration toward their own role.

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