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Differences Between Rural and Urban Society

Differences Between Rural and Urban Society

The following are the most important criteria for distinguishing the rural social world from the urban social world:

1. Occupational differences: In rural society totality of cultivators and their families whereas in urban society totality of people engaged principally in manufacturing, trade, commerce, profession and non-agricultural occupation.

2. Environment differences: In rural society direct relationship with nature whereas in urban society predominance of man-made environment. Greater isolation from nature.

3. Differences in the size of community: Rurality and size of community are not correlated similarly urbanity and size of community is positively correlated.

4. Differences in the density of the population: Generally, density and rurality are negatively correlated on the other hand urbanity and density are positively correlated.

5. Differences in the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the population: In rural society it is more Homogeneity. In contrast to that in urban society it’s more Heterogeneity.

6. Differences in the social mobility: In rural society the forms of social mobility of the population are comparatively less intensive. On the other hand in urban world mobility is more intensive and urbanity and mobility are positively correlated.

7. Differences in the direction of migration: In rural society the migration current carries more individuals from the country to the city. On the other hand only during the periods of social catastrophes migration from the city of the country are greater than from the country to the city.

8. Differences in social differentiation and stratification: Rural differentiation and stratification less than urban. On the other hand differentiation and stratification show positive correlation with urbanity.

So, with the given discussion, it is easily understood that these two human settlements are very different, regarding the density of human structures and the residents of that area. The standard of living in urban areas is higher in comparison to the rural areas. At present, the maximum part of the total population resides in urban areas, as well as the total land area occupied by the urban region is greater than the rural areas.

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