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Relationship between Sociology and Psychology

Relationship between Sociology and Psychology

Sociology is a science of society. Hence it is closely related to other social sciences and so also with psychology. Sociology and Psychology are very closely interlinked, interrelated and interdependent. Relationship between the two is so close and intimate that Psychologist like Karl Pearson refuses to accept both as special science. Both depend on each other for their own comprehension. Their relationship will be clear if we analyze their interrelationship and mutual dependency.


1. Both sociology and psychology deal with the human beings.

2. Sociology gives special aid to psychology similarly psychology gives special aid to sociology.

3. Social psychology which is an important branch of psychology has very close relationship with sociology in so far as study of human nature and behaviour is concerned.

4. Both sociology and psychology receives help hence without the help from one another it can’t be comprehended itself fully and properly. For instances, each and every social problems and social phenomenon must have a psychological basis for the solution of which sociology requires the help form psychology. A new branch of knowledge has developed with the combination of sociology and psychology which is known as social psychology.

5. Similarly, psychology depends on Sociology to comprehend itself fully. Psychology also requires help from sociology in many cases. As human mind and personality is being influenced by social environment, culture, customs and traditions hence psychology takes the help form Sociology to understand this.

6. Research in Sociology richly contributes to psychology. Contributions and theories of many Sociologists also are of great help to Psychologists.

Thus, Sociology and Psychology are mutually dependent on each other. One can’t comprehend itself without the help form others. Besides there are some common area of study such as social disorganization, public opinion etc. which are being studied by both Sociologists and Psychologists. Social Psychology a branch of Psychology is developed with the combination of the two. Social Psychology is the science of behaviour of the individuals in society.


However, in spite of the mutual relationship and dependence both the sciences differ from each other in the following ways.

1. Sociology is a science of society but Psychology is a science of mind.

2. The methods used by sociology and psychology are not identical. Both disciplines therefore, differ from each other in respect of methods.

3. Scope of Sociology is wide whereas scope of Psychology is limited.

4. Society is the unit of study in sociology but individual is the unit of study in case of Psychology.

5. Sociology studies social processes whereas Psychology studies mental processes.

6. Sociology studies and analyzes human behaviour from Sociological angle whereas psychology studies and analyses human behaviour form Psychological angles.

7. In psychology behaviour of man is tried to understand on the basis of humanistic factors while in sociology on the basis of social factors.

8. In psychology mainly psychological testing or examination and experimental method are used specially. In sociology human life study method, historical method, structural-functional method, sociometry, statistical methods, etc., are used mainly, though practical method are also used but to a little extend.

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