Measures for the upliftment of the tribes:
Constitutional safeguards:
The Constitution of India provides for special provisions relating to Scheduled Tribes. (any two)
Under Article 19(5), the tribals can own property and enjoy it in any part of the country.
Article 164 provides for a Ministry of Tribal Welfare in each of the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.
Under Article 275 provides special funds for promotion of such tribal welfare.
Educational facilities:
Measures to provide educational facilities have been taken by the Government. Emphasis is being laid on vocational and technical training. According to these measures, concessions, stipends, scholarships, books, stationery and other equipment are provided. Residential schools have been set up for them.
Post-matric Scholarship for SC/ST students:
This scheme was introduced in 1994-95 with the objective of providing financial assistance to students studying at post-matriculation stages in different schools and colleges so as to enable them to complete their education.
Tribal Research Institutes:
Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs), which undertake intensive studies of tribal art, culture and customs and problems, have been set up by the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura. The research work done in this field has thrown light on tribal life and problems.
Girls or Boys Hostels for STs:
The girls hostel scheme was started in Third Five-Year Plan with the purpose of providing residential facilities to tribal girls in pursuit of education. Central assistance of 50 percent cost of construction to the hostels. The boys hostel scheme was started in 1989-90 under the same scheme pattern.
Medical facilities:
Various medical facilities have been provided for the tribals in the tribal areas. In some places, hospitals are established and in many places, mobile hospital facilities have been provided. Medical camps are organized in the tribal areas to enable the tribals to realize the importance of modern medical facilities.
The process of development in tribal areas and among the backward people is facing various new socio-economic as well as technological challenges and the Indian Government is trying to cope with it.