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Structural and Functional Change


Changes in the traditional Indian joint family:

According to Iravati Karve, a traditional Indian joint family is described as a group of people living under a common roof, who eat food cooked in a common hearth, who hold property in common, who participate in common worship are related to each other by some particular type of kinship.

The changes in the traditional Indian joint family can be analyzed at two levels.

Structure –

  1. Only lineal jointness visible instead of collateral.

  2. The size of the traditional family has become smaller.

  3. Small two generation families instead of large house.


  1. Due to industrialization and urbanization married couples set up their residence in the place of their work as neo-local residence.

  2. Families are only functionally joint now.

  3. The traditional attitude towards the status of women is tending to change.

  4. All members come together on occasion of social and religious participation.

Hence, joint families are breaking up and in their place small families are coming to existence. Though they might live separately or have separate kitchens in the main household. This has also changed from family working under a common authority to one where all this is simply obligatory.

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