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Sources of Social Change


The various sources of social change are –

  1. Population:

A major source of social change as societies evolved from older to modern times, changes in the size and composition of the population can have important effects on other aspects of a society emphasized. Further, the countrys rapid growth and uneven distribution will encourage inland migration and changes in the populations quality.

  1. Social Conflict:

The change also results from social conflict, including wars, ethnic conflict, efforts by social movements to change society, and efforts by their opponents to maintain the status quo. The immediate impact of wars on societies is obvious, as the deaths of countless soldiers and civilians over the ages have affected not only the lives of their loved ones but also the course of whole nations.

  1. Ideology:

New ideas and modifying old ideas in a new context bring wide-scale societal changes. For example, Max Weber established that rationalizing religious ideas radically changed the Protestant world.

  1. Social movements:

Social movements are organized efforts of groups of people to bring about deliberate change in the values, norms, institutions, cultural relationships and traditions of the society. They also generate new identities and new perspectives.

  1. Invention:

Inventions produce new products, ideas, and social patterns. It is a new combination or new use of existing knowledge. Inventions may be classified into material (telephone, aeroplane) and social inventions (alphabet, language, government, etc.). Each invention is new in form, function and meaning and has long-term impact possibilities.

  1. Discovery:

Discovery is finding something that has never been found before or finding something new in something that already exists. A discovery adds something new to the culture and becomes a factor in social change only when it is put to use.

  1. Diffusion:

Diffusion is a process of spreading ideas, culture and objects to other societies. It operates both within societies and between societies involving trading, migration, and mass communication.

Social change happens everywhere, but the rate of change varies from place to place; that social change is sometimes intentional but often unplanned.

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