The ‘Concept of Brahminization’ and Sanskritization are interrelated to each other. The term Brahminization was coined by M.N. Srinivas. It is the process where a group of low caste or sub-caste (lower than Brahmins in the caste hierarchy, like Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras) individuals perform and follow customs, rituals, beliefs and Brahminic way of life to achieve Brahminic status by climbing the hierarchical ladder in one or two generations. This concept of Brahminization is very similar to the concept of Sanskritization, as Srinivas used the word Brahminization instead of Sanskritization at the very beginning of his thesis in his book “Religion and Society among the Coorgs in South India – 1952” to denote social mobility in the Indian context.
According to M.N. Srinivas, Sanskritization is “the process of mobility of lower castes by adopting vegetarianism and teetotalism to move in the caste hierarchy in a generation or two.”