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Residence: Matrilocal and Patrilocal


In most societies, newly married couples do not establish their own residence but instead become part of an existing household or compound occupied by relatives.

1. Matrilocal Residence:

Matrilocal residence occurs when a newly married couple establishes their home near or in the bride’s mother’s house. This keeps women near their female relatives. Not surprisingly, this residence pattern is associated with matrilineal descent (that is when the descent is measured only from females to their offspring). Men leave their natal households when they marry. About 13% of the world’s societies have matrilocal residences.


2. Patrilocal residence: 

Patrilocal residence occurs when a newly married couple establishes their home near or in the groom’s father’s house. This makes sense in a society that follows patrilineal descent (that is, when the descent is measured only from males to their offspring). This is because it allows the groom to remain near his male relatives. In this residence pattern, women do not remain in their natal household after marriage. About 69% of the world’s societies follow patrilocal residences, making it the most common.


3. Avunculocal residence: 

Avunculocal residence occurs when a newly married couple establishes their home near or in the groom’s maternal uncle’s house. This is associated with matrilineal descent. It occurs when men obtain statuses, jobs, or prerogatives from their nearest elder matrilineal male relative. Having a woman’s son live near her brother allows the older man to more easily teach his nephew what he needs to know in order to assume his matrilineally inherited role. About 4% of the world’s societies have avunculocal residence.


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