Marriage is one of the oldest socially recognized institutions and essential for the procreation of children and satisfaction of our sexual urges. In different societies, there are different methods of marriage. Some societies allow a male to marry only a single female, whereas a husband is allowed to have more than one wife in other societies. Similarly, some societies will not allow a woman to have more than one husband, whereas other societies will not mind a woman having more than one husband. In some cases, the parents arrange the marriage, whereas, in others, the boys and girls arrange for their own marriages. Similarly, in some cases, the bonds of marriage are very powerful and strong, while in other cases, they are rather frequently broken and divorce tends to become a problem. Briefly speaking, marriage can be defined as a bond between a man and a woman who are legitimately allowed to have their own children.
Definition of Marriage
1. Marriage has been defined as “a union between man and a woman such that children born to the woman are recognized legitimate offspring of both parents.”
2. According to Malinowski, marriage is a “contract for the production and maintenance of children.”
3. According to Robert H. Lowie, “Marriage is a relatively permanent bond between permissible mates.”
4. According to Westermarck “It is a relation of one or more men with one or more women recognized by the law and custom having some rights and duties in case of having children.”
5. Horton and Hunt says “It is social system us here by two or more than two persons establish a family.”
6. According to Mr. Muhammad Niaz, “It is a union of husband and wife approved by the following four agencies i.e. Religion, society, morality, law.”
7. Mack & Young says “Marriage is an institution or a set of norms which determines a particular relation between parents and to their children.”
(Any one definition)