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Degree of Kinship


The degree of kinship only indicates the nearness or distance in the relationship. Some people have direct relationships, while others have indirect or distant relationships. The more indirect the relationship, the greater the distance. From the point of view of nearness and distance, kinship may be divided in various ways and in varying degrees.

In Social Anthropology, an individual born from his or her parents is known as an ‘Ego.’ If we consider this ‘Ego’ as the main factor, we can identify the different kinship ties around him or her.

Degree of Kinship: 

The three major kinship bonds that can be identified in terms of degree are -

1. Primary Kinship: 

If a person is related to the ego directly, it is identified as primary kin. 

For example, father, mother, brother and sister (primary consanguineous).

2. Secondary Kinship: 

Any kin related to ego through primary kin is identified as secondary kin

For example, ego’s father’s brother (secondary consanguineous), stepmother (secondary affinal)

3. Tertiary Kinship: 

Secondary kin of one’s primary kin are identified as tertiary kin. 

For example, ego’s father’s brother’s wife, sister-in-law of one’s brother or son-in-law of one’s uncle.

According to Murdock, there are thirty-three secondary and 151 tertiary kin of a person.

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